Started HTTPS chapter in WordPress on MicroK8s
Spent one hour today, like I intend for most of the mornings to do when I work on the WordPress on MicroK8s book writing the introduction on securing with certificates a WordPress website on Kubernetes.
As the book is with opinionated solutions I use, the first part of the chapter focuses on setting up Cloudflare, to benefit of their easy and automated certificates management, for free, and extra protection to the server, by allowing communication strictly between Cloudflare and the service. This way, a website is not only serving visitors by https, but it is also protected additionally from DDOS attacks, adds caching of any well setup cashable response, and blocks most of offending traffic. It allows to block all traffic that is not coming from Cloudflare directly to the server, even more, the server’s ip could be even never discovered by attacker, so they would not be even capable to try alternatives, like trying to exploit an unmaintained old version of ssh, or forgotten not well secured ftp or rpc service exposed to the internet.
This week will be focused on writing the full scenario on with Cloudflare, followed next week by a Let’s Encrypt certificate implementation with automation to renew it. The readers should pick their preference on which scenario they find best.